Lomme wholesale market
- France

Explorations Architectes
RFR’s assignments
RFR's assignment includes the entire bearing structure of the canopy roof, a steel and timber framework, as well as the foundations.
The tree structures function in groups consisting of portal frames that are self-supporting in both directions. This is the optimum design in terms of structural frame layout, since each load-bearing point supports a 434 m2 roof section. A maximum area is thus made available for parking without any obstacles, while the short spans between columns made the works much easier to implement, even though the market remained open all the time, thanks to the small space required to erect each column.
No particular maintenance is required for the galvanised steel structure (columns and branches), since it is shielded from direct exposure to the weather. The glue-laminated and solid timber roof is also protected from direct exposure to driving rain. These solid timber elements are made of class 3 heartwood compliant with the standard NF EN 335, and hence do not require any particular treatment.
No particular maintenance is required for the galvanised steel structure (columns and branches), since it is shielded from direct exposure to the weather. The glue-laminated and solid timber roof is also protected from direct exposure to driving rain. These solid timber elements are made of class 3 heartwood compliant with the standard NF EN 335, and hence do not require any particular treatment.

Lomme wholesale market, in the Lille urban area, is the second largest fruit, vegetable and flower market in France after Rungis (south of Paris). In 2015 it sold 182 000 tonnes of goods from France and all over the world, generating turnover in excess of 191 million euros. The project consisted in constructing a canopy roof to protect the circulation, storage and sales areas between the warehouses.